An Intuitive, Empowering Approach to New Year's Resolutions

The start of the new solar year began with the Winter Solstice. This energy – the closing out of the old and the welcoming in of the new – marries beautifully with our modern day New Year’s celebrations. With the coming of the new year, lots of folks use this time to make New Year’s resolutions as a way to start fresh. I was in this camp for many years. I would jump on the thing that I was most unhappy about – my physical weight, my spiritual practice, my job, my dreams, my creative outlet – and examine all the ways in which I had failed, or all the places where I could have done it better, or all the missed opportunities. Some years it wasn’t just one area I focused on but several, because once I started picking it all apart, it would snowball and before I knew it, I had a New Year’s resolution list of 20 new habits I was going to incorporate into my daily/weekly life. This was unreasonable, of course, but I ignored the mountain I’d created and soldiered on, determined to right all the wrongs, to fix everything in one fell swoop so I could present to the world the best version of myself in no time flat.
Whoa, right? Can you relate?
It also begs the question: if I was so dissatisfied with how things were going in my life that I ended up with 20 new habits I wanted to introduce, why did I wait so long? How did I allow it to get to this point?
The idea behind a New Year’s resolution isn’t a bad one – self reflection and making necessary adjustments is a beautiful path for growth and expansion. But if we save it all for a once-a-year correction, we create a situation where the chances for success are slim. A gentler approach is to implement a process where needed adjustments are made all year long. This requires a little bit of discipline to get started, and a willingness to be open and honest, but the results can be mind blowing and life changing. Seriously.
Have you let yourself dream about what you’d like to bring forward in the new year?
Have you thought about what you’re ready to let go of? Maybe your perception is that your life is a mess and the whole thing needs an overhaul. Or, maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed because everything that needs changing is important and you don’t know what to choose first. Or, maybe you want to throw up your hands in frustration because you just don’t know where to start. If this, or any variation of it, is you, I invite you to take a breath, let go of any anxiety you’re experiencing, and consider a different strategy.
What if there was an intuitive and empowering way to incorporate desired changes, one that utilized a whole system approach? When I’m ready to get real with what needs changing, I look at the WHOLE body, which is to say I include the 5 subtle (or energetic) bodies in my assessment. You can’t see all of the energetic bodies, but that doesn’t make them any less real. The important thing to know is this: they are intertwined … when something is out of alignment in one, it impacts the others.
The magic of this approach is that it gives you a starting point; it breaks things down into manageable pieces. You can evaluate each subtle body individually or as part of the whole, make any needed changes, and then come back and reassess to determine your next steps. Because the energetic bodies are connected, positive changes in one will influence the others.
Ready to take a look?
Here are the 5 subtle bodies along with some suggestions on where you might take your questions for each one. Tune in, listen for your intuitive nudges, and explore what feels right for you.
The Physical Body is the one we’re most familiar with. It’s the container we see and it’s usually the first one to get our attention. Things to consider here:
* How do you move your physical body? Does it require more movement or less?
* How do you feed your physical body? Does it require more of a particular nutrient? *How’s your water intake?
* How’s your sleep routine? Are you getting enough sleep? Do you wake up refreshed?
The Mental Body is the place where our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs are formed. Things to consider here:
* Are there any limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of growth?
* How is your self talk?
* How many open trajectories do you have running at any given time? Can some of these be closed down?
* Are the beliefs you’re carrying even yours?
The Emotional Body houses our perception of dualities, polarities, and possibilities. Things to consider here:
* What emotions are you holding onto that are ready to be released?
* Are there any grudges you’re carrying around? Anyone you’re ready to forgive?
* Are you holding any judgment of self?
* Where are you judging things as “right” or “wrong?”
The Spiritual Body houses our beliefs and perceptions of the world around us. Things to consider here:
* What are your beliefs around a Creator or Source or God? Are these beliefs yours?
* What beliefs do you hold regarding life beyond the physical realm?
* Do you believe in a hierarchical framework? Is this necessary for you to connect with your soul?
The Supermental (or Light) Body is the vehicle that has an understanding of everything you are and have ever been. Things to consider here:
* How connected do you feel to the Universe?
* How open are you to the idea that you’re a multidimensional being?
Take note of this ... it's important!
Some things to consider as you contemplate where you’d like to make changes:
* Make sure you understand where the motivation for the change is coming from. Modifications made from a place of trauma, comparison, or judgment aren’t sustainable.
* Be specific about the outcome you want to see. Having a clear outcome increases the chance for success.
* Authenticity is your friend here. Make changes because YOU want them and not because your friends or family say you should.
This doesn’t have to be a once-a-year type of thing.
In fact, it works beautifully when incorporated as part of an ongoing healing and self care practice. Find the rhythm that works for you: maybe a monthly check in suits your schedule, or perhaps you tie it to the change in seasons.
Here’s to your continued healing and a New Year filled with magic!
xo, Mitzi
If you’d like to explore the subtle bodies in more depth, I invite you to join the Healing Alchemy Facebook group (it’s free!) where we’ll be diving into each of the energetic bodies beginning in January 2022.