Have you ever paid attention to the words you use … especially when referencing Self? Words carry energy; energy creates our reality. What sorts of realities are you creating – or reinforcing – for yourself with the words you use? For example: when you say “I’m angry,” your unconscious mind takes this at face value and begins conspiring to make this statement true. It lacks the capacity to distinguish truth from non-truth, reality from fantasy, humor from earnestness and, so, based on the command it has received, it begins filling your vessel with the energy of anger, making you and your experience all about the tones and frequencies of rage, fury, and wrath.
Why is this important?
You get to decide the experiences you have based on, among other things, the words you use.
Consider these two words: I AM. These are the most powerful words out there. They are declarative. They broadcast to the universe that we, as creator beings, are proclaiming our very existence. So when we follow this announcement with a word that elaborates on our state of beingness, it is potent.
I AM ... angry, sad, happy, powerful, tall, short, upset, ungrounded, flighty, hungry, tired … and the list goes on.
There is no right or wrong here, only energy. And awareness.
It’s not about invalidating your feelings, rather, it’s about becoming conscious and cognizant of how our words create our reality.
Try this: what happens when you change “I’m angry” to “I’m feeling angry right now?” How does this shift the energy? Does it open things up? Does it create space? You might find that this small switch creates a transitory situation, one that is fluid and malleable, one that acknowledges, in this moment, you are experiencing anger, but it not a permanent state for your being.