The Great Unveiling Underway
There is a great unveiling underway 🔥
An unmasking. A shedding.
Everything that is no longer in alignment with the planet, with you, with humanity's evolution is being dismantled.
Everything is being pushed to the surface - the darkness, the heaviness, the things that thrive in a dense, lower vibration - to be acknowledged, healed, and released.
👉 This unveiling carries an invitation for you to go within and explore where you're still hiding. Are there times or places or situations where you choose to remain in the shadows rather than stepping forward and shining your light?
👉 What parts of yourself do you keep shielded from the outside world out of fear? Fear is a powerful emotion and oftentimes exists in multiple layers. Is fear holding you hostage? Is fear the reason you hold back from showing your intuitive or spiritual side?
👉 What masks do you wear to cover your truest self and your soul gifts? Masks are borne out of conditioning, trauma, and beliefs. We wear them to please others, to feel safe, to be accepted. When we wear masks to cover our soul gifts, we do ourselves - and the world - a huge disservice.
In the video, above, is the Temple of Isis in Philae Egypt. I was there for sunrise in early November a few years ago. I boarded a small boat in the pitch dark early morning hours to cross the Nile River, arriving on the island just as the horizon began to brighten.
The quiet, expectant energy of the temple was palpable ... healing, divine. It was so powerful. I was bathed in potent energies swirling all around ... the memory of what was, the promise of what's possible.
The downloads I received were rapid fire and densely packed. Like a spool of light ✨ unfurling, they delivered ancient tools and healing knowledge.
A remembering.
We are here to embody the greatest versions of ourselves.
To connect with our ancient, wise, high-frequency parts 💫
To remember how truly powerful we are so that we can claim our sovereignty, so that we can rise up and stand among our galactic brothers and sisters.
You're here on the planet to share your beautiful soul gifts, to help others heal, to show them what's possible.
To help them remember their own divinity.
These energies will help you lift your own veil of doubt, of fear. Use them to remove your mask. It's time to stand in your light, to show others who you are, and to share your celestial abilities with the world ⭐️
xo, Mitzi